Understanding Molding Basics
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June 13, 2017
Choosing the right molding is extremely important both functionally as well as aesthetically.
Molding can literally transform the look of a room.
Traditional dental, egg-and-dart, as well as other less detailed trim packages line rooms in homes and businesses across the country.
Now, the difference between past and present molding options include material choice. This can greatly affect the ease of installation and price.
The good news is that there are more choices than wood or plaster. Foam and plastic options are also readily available.
Let’s take a moment and discuss the more popular types of moldings.
Crown molding is located at the seam, between the ceiling and the wall.
It can also be installed just below the top height of the ceiling in a very tall room. White crown against a richly colored wall makes a dramatic statement.
Another benefit to crown molding is that it hides paint that was not perfectly cut-in.
You can partially or totally cover a wall with paneling.
There are three types of panels:
Self-Adhesive Panels: Used on flush doors to create the look of a panel door. They can also be used on walls to imitate raised paneling. Most have double-sided tape on the back.
Pressed Panel: Normally hardboard, pressed (molded) to resemble a raised panel.
Moisture-Resistant MDF Paneling: This has been routed to resemble tongue-and-groove paneling. Moisture resistance makes this paneling suitable for use in a kitchen or bathroom. Once painted, it performs well as a backsplash — around bathtubs or sinks in a bathroom.
If you apply paneling halfway up the wall, to the chair rail, it’s commonly referred to as beadboard or wainscoting.
If you have a masonry wall, paneling can be attached to battens on the wall.
Baseboards are the most popular type of trim in a home or office.
Lining the joint where the wall and floor meet, you can get baseboards unpainted, painted, or primed.
Shoe molding is sometimes used at the foot of baseboard to cover a gap of a newly installed floor.
The trim that covers the gap around the outside of a door in called casing.
Casing provides the door opening with extra stability.
Chair rails protect walls from chairs and other items.
The division in a wall’s surface is typically practical and decorative. For example, the lower part of a wall often suffers knocks, or is marked up by children. If a rail separates this from the upper wall, you need redecorate only the area below the rail to restore the decor.
Hopefully you got a lot out of this article and learned the basics about molding.
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Feel free to stop into Builder Supply Outlet or the Edge Showroom with any home improvement questions you may have regarding molding, cabinet hardware, bathroom vanity sinks, tops, remodeling, tile, backsplash, cleaning, sealing, grout, windows, kitchen cabinets, construction, contractors, designing/installing a new kitchen or bathroom — or anything else. We can help you through the entire design and installation process from A-Z. Or call us anytime in Broadview, IL at 1-708-343-3900. You can also make an appointment to meet with one of our Edge Kitchen and Bathroom designers at no charge by clicking here.